Sunday, March 1, 2009

El pueblito Coporaque en el Canyon del Coca

Just got back from a 4 day long trip to Coporaque (the village in Colca Canyon) where we just held a very successful "Congreso del Ninos". At this conference, nearly 60 children of all ages came together (sometimes with parents) to talk about their rights as children (The right to a family, to not be abused, to education, to play, etc.).

I'm posting photos of the landscape of Coporaque and Colca Canyon, the Congreso, the house where I stay in Coporaque, and some more Carnaval Celebrations.

Coporaque has definitely delivered me some of my biggest adventures yet in Peru:
> A 3am hike to the river (3 kilometers) to catch fish until 7am. We were climbing up rocks, sliding down huge hills covered in mud, hopping rocks, and - of course - falling in the river.
> Another unplanned hike when at 5am our taxi broke down in the middle of a huge puddle. When it rains in Coporaque, it pours. And, in this particular section, the entire road was covered in about a foot of water for about a kilometer. The taxi broke down right in the middle. So, early in the morning, I and the driver (We were the only men in the taxi. For some reason, the women weren't up to it) pushed the taxi through the mud until it was on dry land. Then we walked the remaining 2 kilometers to the house. (I didn't take photos, but one of the women in the taxi did. She is going to give them to me so I can post them later).
> Having more meat in my teeth than ever before after eating a huge chunk of Alpaca meat.

Here are the photos:

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